What you need to know to protect yourself from measles


As of July 10, state officials confirmed that three people in 新汉普郡佛蒙特州 有麻疹. The first person was an international traveler in Hanover, 和 the next two were likely exposed to the first patient while in Hanover.

While the news is concerning, measles is increasing globally 和 so not unexpected. People who are not already protected by vaccination or by having 有麻疹 in the past are most at risk.

“在十大博彩推荐排名健康中心,我们与 佛蒙特州卫生部the 新汉普郡 Department of 健康 和 Human 服务 (发病率), 以及当地的医疗合作伙伴, 识别, 通知, 和 connect to care for those who may have been exposed to these patients while infectious, 和 who do not already have protection against measles," says Deputy 新汉普郡 State Epidemiologist 和 Co-Interim Chief Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Infectious Disease 和 International 健康伊丽莎白塔尔博特,医学博士.


Measles is a highly contagious viral illness–more contagious than COVID-19, says Talbot.

根据 CDC (美国疾病控制与预防中心), 如果一个人得了这种病, up to nine out of 10 people nearby will become infected if they are not protected. Symptoms appear seven to 14 days after contact with the virus.

Common measles symptoms include a high fever, cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis, 和 a rash. Complications can occur 和 they include ear infections 和 腹泻. 肺炎和脑炎也是可能的.


The best protection against measles is the MMR (measles, 流行性腮腺炎, 和风疹) vaccine. The vaccine provides long-lasting protection against all strains of measles.

Two doses of MMR vaccine are about 97% effective at preventing measles. 一次剂量的有效率约为93%.

"Measles can be a serious disease, so we are fortunate to have the MMR vaccine in our toolbox. Not only can it protect people from getting measles, 流行性腮腺炎, 和风疹, it can prevent the complications caused by these diseases,塔尔博特说.


Measles is a unique infection because it spreads through the air. 当一个人有传染性麻疹咳嗽, the virus then can be suspended in the air for up to two hours—even after the infected person has left the area.

Those who are not vaccinated or who have not already 有麻疹 are at high risk of contracting 和 spreading the disease if exposed.

People with weakened immune systems may become infected even if they have been vaccinated. 如果暴露, they should talk to their healthcare provider for recommendations about other preventive treatments.

Those preventive treatments may include either vaccination within 72 hours after exposure or immune globulin. Immune globulin is a mixture of antibodies that, 如果在暴露后六天内注射, 防止感染病毒.


Early symptoms may include fever, cough, red eyes (conjunctivitis), runny nose, 和 feeling tired. After a few days of those symptoms, the rash starts.

通常, measles is contagious for four days before the rash appears 和 four days after the rash appears. Symptoms generally develop 10 to 14 days after exposure, but may not appear for as long as 21 days.

大多数麻疹患者在一周内康复, 但有时也会有并发症, such as ear infections that can lead to hearing loss, 腹泻, 肺炎, 甚至是脑部感染.


For those one year old or over, contact your doctor to schedule a vaccination as soon as possible. Protection from vaccination builds over seven to 14 days after vaccination.

If you are not sure whether you have had your measles vaccinations, you can contact your provider to check your immunization history. 根据 CDC, about 90% of the US population is immunized.

You also can ask your provider to do a blood test to see if your body has already made antibodies, which means you should be protected against future infections.

"麻疹在全球呈上升趋势塔尔博特总结道. "It is disappointing but not surprising that we have spread of measles in the Upper Valley. The good news is that you can protect yourself 和 your family, 但是如果你没有接种疫苗, 和你的医疗保健提供者谈谈. If you have been exposed 和 are not vaccinated or have not 有麻疹 before, also 和你的医疗保健提供者谈谈 to find immediate ways to avoid the disease."

新汉普郡 和 佛蒙特州 vaccination resources

NH免疫计划 (NHIP) is a vaccine resource for healthcare providers, 学校, 儿童保育服务提供商, 家庭, 以及普通大众. 的发病率, through the NHIP's Vaccines for Children (or "VFC") program, provides all the 推荐的疫苗 for every child in 新汉普郡, 不管保险或收入如何. 的发病率 urges individuals 和 caregivers to talk with their healthcare provider about which 推荐的疫苗 都适合他们.

佛蒙特州卫生部提供 有关麻疹的资料, reminding people that measles is preventable when people get vaccinated. They also point out that even though measles was declared eliminated in the United States in the year 2000, outbreaks can happen in communities with low immunization rates.